Stocktaking.ie, are once again supporting
Cancer Fund for Children, Daisy Lodge Mayo for 2023.
We have just handed over their cheque for moneys raised in 2022 and extended their charity partnership with Cancer Fund for Children who are raising funds to buildDaisy Lodge Mayo, a dedicated therapeutic short break facility in Cong for childrenacross Ireland diagnosed with cancer and their families.
Daisy Lodge will be a therapeutic space where families will receive specialist support from trained practitioners and be able to spend quality time together in a unique and peaceful environment, far removed from gruelling cancer treatment. Stocktaking.ie just launched that their events are kicking off with the London City Marathon where MD Patrick McDermott will run the London City Marathon at the end of April in aid of Daisy Lodge Mayo.A new Daisy Lodge Mayo will help more than double the number of children and parents supported by Cancer Fund for Children from 1,800 to 4,000, ensuring that no family in Ireland faces childhood cancer alone.
Stocktaking.ie Business Development Manager Sharon Kelly added :
“We are absolutely delighted to have chosen Cancer Fund for Children Ireland as our Charity Partner again in 2023. We are off to a wonderful start and delighted to have our full Team on board for this very worthy charity. One of our Core Values is All about People, what better way to do this than to support as many families as possible who are going through the most difficult time in their lives. Stocktaking.ie look forward to working closely with Cancer Fund for Children Ireland to support in whatever way we can. Keep an eye out for some exciting events ahead!”
See Barry McEvot, Sharon Kelly and Patrick McDermot on the Site of the new Daisy Lodge Mayo.