15 Reasons why you should outsource your Stocktaking
Many of you would be familiar with the dreaded end of year, or Quarterly and believe it or not in a lot of cases MONTHLY Stocktakes! Imagine a world where at the click of a button you could bestow this dastardly task unto another poor soul… Well here’s 15 reasons to make you consider doing so!
1. Shop staff, in general, dislike counting stock.
2.Too much time being wasted in Scheduling, Training & Monitoring staff, just to ensure they are counting correctly!
3. In-House counting of stock is not impartial and results could be falsified unknowingly.
4.The hassle of conducting the Stocktake and managing staff to ensure accuracy is difficult and unproductive.
5. It’s a long day and can result in lost revenues and increased staff costs If people counting are not efficient.
6. Increased overtime/out of hour cost with in-house Stocktaking, This can be an unforeseen cost for small Business’s.
7. With In-house Stocktaking, You may not be able to get such detailed reports on your stock. Eg variance reports, wastage, stock on hand etc..
8. Additional management hours are spent monitoring staff that are in most cases not trained in Stocktaking, And do not fully understand the repercussions of miscounting, to ensure full accuracy.
9. Spot checks may not be carried out throughout and employees and management are working to full capacity.
10. It takes management and staff that are vital to the business away from their sole responsibility of putting the customer first.
11. Asking employees to do a task which in most cases they did not sign up for and are not trained in will result in inaccurate stock levels.
12. There is an additional cost to renting your own equipment to carry out a Stocktake, This equipment in the wrong hands is worthless!
13. Untrained staff conducting a Stocktake will not result in an accurate Stocktake versus professional Stocktakers who would carry out such tasks on a daily basis.
14. Stocktaking taking too long while purchases and sales are still in progress throwing your numbers into disarray.
15. Same day reports may not be possible!
Stocktaking.ie can assist businesses in counting their stock in the most efficient manner possible. Our team of trained professionals, ensure that from the first point of contact that your requirements are recorded and communicated to the front line members of our Team. Every single item Top to Bottom is counted by our staff and through our procedures we provide full trace-ability.
Still want to count your stock in-house? Try DigiTally!
- Digital Stocktakes
- Eliminate pen, paper, Excel and double entry
- Reduce stocktaking time by 66%